Miles Hall
8502 Hanford Dr.,
Henrico, VA, 23229
2012: MA Contemporary Art History, Criticism and Theory, SUNY Purchase.
2011: MFA Studio Art, SUNY Purchase.
2006: BFA Painting, Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University.
2013-2018: Adjunct Faculty, Art Foundation, Virginia Commonwealth University
-Teaching Drawing to Freshman in the School of Art and Design.
2016 -2018 : Virginia State University, Department of Art and Art History
-Teaching Drawing, Design, and Modern Art History to art majors.
2014- - 2016: Instructor, Visual Art Center, Richmond, VA
-Teaching Drawing and Painting
2012: Graduate Assistant, Art History, SUNY Purchase.
-Teaching Discussion group, grading exams and papers.
2011: Graduate Assistant, Drawing, SUNY Purchase.
-Designing curriculum for and teaching Introduction to Drawing.
2000-2009: Ski and Snowboard Instructor, Heavenly Tahoe.
-Level III PSIA, Level II ASIA.
2008: English Instructor, Canadian Voice, Nagano Japan.
-Designing lessons and teaching English as a foreign language.
2019: Loss of Innocence, South Shore Center for the Arts, Cohasset, MA
2018: Solo Show, Meredith Gallery, Virginia State University, (October)
2018: Body Language, Group Show, Endeavor RVA
2018: Mid-Atlantic New Painting Biennial, Mary Washington University, Fredericksburg, VA
2016: Mid-Atlantic New Painting Biennial, Mary Washington University, Fredericksburg, VA
2015: Two person show, Shockoe Artspace, Richmond, VA
2014: Spring Lyceum Group Show, Richmond, VA
2013: Fall Lyceum Group Show, Richmond, VA
2013: Abachanalyptic, Two person show, Chop Suey Books, Richmond, VA
2011: It’s not me, it’s you, MFA group thesis show, White Box Gallery,
329 Broom Street, NY, NY - Painting selected for White Box’s permanent collection.
2011: Art is Dangerous, SUNY Purchase group show, Gallery 151,
132 West 18th Street, NY, NY
Elissa Armstrong: Director, Art Foundation program, Virginia Commonwealth University:
Dr. Mitchell Merling: Paul Mellon Curator and Head of the Department of European Art, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts:
Larose, Thomas, PhD: Associate Professor - Art History, Virginia State University: